Sprache - Language
HEUMA DMF Doppelantrieb-Messermähwerke Frontanbau
HEUMA Spider Sternrad-Schwadwender
HEUMA DM Doppelantrieb-Messermähwerke-Heckanbau
HEUMA Rollprofil Mini-Rundballenpressen
HEUMA K-Kreiselschwader
HEUMA Eagle-Sternradschwader
HEUMA SM-Scheibenmähwerke
HEUMA Rollprofil Midipressen
HEUMA KH Kreiselheuer
HEUMA KSW Kreisel-Schwadwender
HEUMA BM einfache Messermähwerke
HEUMA greenland technology - your strong partner for modern agriculture!With HEUMA grassland technology you can take your grassland management to the next level. Our high-quality machines are specially developed to minimize the amount of work and maximize yields - tailored to the needs of demanding farmers.
Our range:
Swathers: Whether star wheel swathers or rotary swathers - with us you will find the perfect solution for precise swath placement and gentle forage harvesting. Ideal for increasing forage quality and reducing losses to a minimum.
Rotary tedders: With our hay and tedder technology you can achieve even distribution and quick drying. Gentle on the forage and efficient in handling - that is hay harvesting at the highest level!
Mowers: Our selection includes blade mowers and disc mowers - for precise cuts and high performance. Regardless of whether you want to harvest fine forage for hay or silage, our mowers ensure clean and efficient work results.
Balers: Our round balers offer a wide selection of bale sizes - from compact 50 x 70 cm to 115 x 120 cm. Perfect bales for easy storage and optimal forage quality, regardless of whether for small farms or large areas.
Why HEUMA grassland technology?
We stand for reliable technology, high efficiency and durable machines that won't let you down in the field. With HEUMA you can rely on proven quality and the latest technology - for successful harvests and a strong future.Secure the offer now and experience the harvest anew!